Product Specifications


STONE FLOWER (Gyrocarpus jacobaeus)
HS CODE: 12119039

The Stone flower plant, commonly known as Bhut-Jolokia or Kalpasi belonging to family Parmeliaceae, is a unique flowering plant recognized for its distinctive stone-like flowers. The stone flower plant grows up to 1 to 1.2m tall, with flowers that are small, usually yellow or pale green and grow in cluster resembling small stones or pebbles.

It is used for culinary purpose, medicinal uses, aesthetic & cultural uses.

                                                                  Physical Requirements
Parameter Specification Test Method
Colour yellow or pale green with brown or greyish colour


Visual inspection
Shape resemble small stones or pebbles Visual inspection
Flavour Earthy and aromatic, characteristic of dried flowers and spices Organoleptic
                                                                   Chemical Requirements
Parameter Measured value Unit of Measurement
Moisture < 12 %
Aflatoxin <20 Ppb
                                                                  Macro Sanitary Requirements
Parameter Measured value Unit of Measurement
Foreign Matter < 2 %
Black flower <1 %W
                                                                    Microbiological Requirements
Parameter Measured value Unit of Measurement
Salmonella Not detected mpn/g
E. coli Not detected mpn/g

Product Category


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